Australian Down Syndrome Associations: E-mail addresses and websites:
Down Syndrome Association of NSW Inc. http://www.iinet.net.au/~dsansw Email:dsansw@iinet.net.au
Down Syndrome Association of Victoria Inc.http://www.dsav.asn.au/Email:dsavic@netspace.net.au
Down Syndrome Association of Queensland Inc.http://dsaq.org.au Email:DSA.QLD@uq.net.au
Down Syndrome Association of ACT Inc.http://www.actdsa.asn.au Email:actdsa@goldweb.com.au
Down Syndrome Association of Tasmania Inc. Email: chicks@netspace.net.au
Down Syndrome Association of Western Australia Inc. http://www.dsawa.asn.auEmail:dsawa@upnaway.com
Down Syndrome Association of Northern Territory Inc. Email: dsant@octa4.net.au
Down Syndrome Society ofSA Inc, http://www.downssa.asn.au Email:info@downssa.asn.au
http://members.iinet.net.au/~dsansw/i_state.htm Provides phone numbers and addresses of the above as well.
www.ds-health.com This is Dr. Len Leshin’s home page for his website on Down Syndrome – he has a son with Down’s Syndrome as well. He essentially contends that none of the available therapies for intelligence boosting work in people with Down Syndrome. He discusses at some length the pros and cons of each of the different therapies and sums it all up for each one. I have found him very approachable and open, even though I have disagreed with him at times. He does use some nutrient intervention with his son, but not alot and it’s for health reasons.
www.jamesdmacdonald.org For heaps and heaps of information on developing speechin those with Down Syndrome and or other conditions. Also discusses the need for very early social stimulation with age peers and the problems, causes and treatments of social isolation, language delay, disobedience, overcompliance and so on. A really nice site – be sure to check all the links to get all that information. Jim has some 30 years experience. Unfortuneately, I have yet to see any significant improvement in Jacob as a result of using his strategies, but they do make good sense to me and I continue to incorporate them. He has produced excellent books and resources which one can purchase. Remember though, no one strategy is likely to work with everyone.
National Information Center for kids and Youth with Disabilities
P.O. Box 1492
Washington, DC 20013
1-800-695-0285 (Voice/TT)
E-mail: nichcy@aed.org
URL: http://www.nichcy.org
This group provided most of the webpages on sexuality and disability. Worth going to to look round.
www.cdadc.com How about starting up your own internet support group, one based on, say, supporting parents as they try out new strategies and treatments? Gather expertise from those who have been there and done that. I would love to be a member of a group that is supportive and at the same time at the forefront of knowledge about all the treatments.
http://store.yahoo.com/dmso1/dmso.html The supplier we use for DMSO.
http://members.tripod.com/hipodel/crd/down-syndrome.htm For some information on DMSO and the popular amino therapy that it is part of.
info@bioconcepts.com.au Bioconcepts is currently our supplier of Jacob’s Targeted Nutrient Intervention (from age 3 years to 4). The product may not be as comprehensive as the Nutrivene one, but the company reports parents as claiming the same beneficial results as the parents of those using Targeted Nutrient Intervention are claiming; but the Bioconcepts products are a fraction of the price. We are watching Jacob’s blood work outs closely now to see if it lives up to the expectation. Our problem is that the Nutrivene one didn’t do as good as we had hoped, going on the problems we’ve had with deficiencies. After being on the Australian product for quite a while now, we can say that Jacob appears to benefit as much from this TNI as he did from the nutrivene one.
Nutrivene company. We used there products for the first three years of Jacob’s life. We no longer use this company and have concerns about over dosing with vitamins and so on. Don’t buy everything you see on this site – some of the other stuff they sell may be down right dangerous if used in conjunction with their Targeted Nutrient Intervention. Also, ladies with Down Syndrome, who want or who are pregnant should check with their doctor about the vitamin A content of the product.
nubrain-store.com – nootropics – piracetam Our source of Piracetam.
www.pharmacydirect.com.au Is our Australian source for Efalex (liquid) and Nature’s Own Reflux Omega-3 Fish Oil 1000mg 200 capsules. We find we can buy these items for 33% to 60% cheaper from this website than we can from outlets in our town. For example, we pay about $18 for the fish oil, as opposed to about $23 in the local shops. This fish oil is what we use for the DHA component of the metabolic protocol; saves us having to buy DHA overseas and then importing it. If you are a discount mail order chemist in Australia, how about dropping us a catologue and your URL?
http://www.mailpharmacy.com.au/ Another online Australian discount pharmacy.
Dolphin Therapy – A starting point provided by some really dedicated people.
http://www.sro.nysed.gov/00-063.htm This link is included as an eye opener for discrimination in the education system. Also, it highlights how professionals can get the assessments/opinions wrong. The daughter was able to achieve an Intelligence quotient of 66 in a very detailed and exacting psychological test of intelligence, but “…the kid could not follow simple direction or imitate required activities…” when assessed three weeks later by the Occupational Therapist. Notice how the kid is labelled because the kid didn’t perform for the Occupational Therapist. The kid is evidently able to follow directions and focus on task!
http://www.downsyn.com/index.html Down Syndrome Information For New Parents
http://www.altonweb.com/cs/downsyndrome/ Riverbend Down Syndrome Parent Support Group: Information
http://www.downsyndromedallas.com – Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas: Information.
http://www.newswise.com Newswise: Provides news stories, generally easy to read, of a scientific nature.
WebMDHealth Information
emedicine Information
EncyMaster Information
The Heart Center Encyclopedia. Information
C. Borthwick Provides an interesting perspective on IQ and Down Syndrome, suggesting IQ scores may be invalid for estimating their cognitive abilities. Not sure how long the site will continue running for, as his email and home web address are no longer valid.
http://home.houston.rr.com/jfmsjm/index.html Jordon’s website: Somewhat similiar to ours. His mum is a teacher by trade and it shows. The website includes his development from birth. He is about 22 months younger than Jacob. Well worth watching.
http://www.comwares.net/marrs/ John Marrs’ homepage. John has Down Syndrome and his mum provides a detailed developmental summary of what she did that appeared to work – for example, she had him walking at 14 months and tells how she did it – that was before the treadmill approach had been worked out! She seems to give some really good ideas.
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