Children with Down Syndrome – Pictures and Photos
This page is absolutely loaded with pictures / photos of toddlers, adults, teenagers and children with Down Syndrome.
We hope that by presenting these Down Syndrome pictures here, that our visitors will come to realize that Down syndrome children, adults, etc are just normal people going about their daily lives, with dreams and the potential to achieve.
For clarification, “Down syndrome children” and “Down’s syndrome children” and “Downs syndrome children” are search terms frequently used by by people when trying to find out more about children with Down Syndrome.
Using the terms Down syndrome children, Down syndrome child and so on, has been found to be offensive to some parents and professionals working with children with Down syndrome.
The rationale for this, is that when we use the term, eg “Down syndrome children”, we are putting the condition of Down Syndrome in front of the child. Meaning we are seeing the condition before we see the child, whereas we should be able to see the child first, then take note of the condition.
It is an important distinction, and is part of the way our society, our world, is moving beyond diagnosis Down Syndrome, to see the very human child.
To bring the point firmly home, we don’t say “cancer children”, do we? We say “children with cancer”.
Although I fully concur that Down syndrome children and so on is a sign of backward thinking by people, including parents of children with Down syndrome to be, who don’t yet understand the subtlety involved, the fact is that most people searching for pictures of children with Down syndrome, are using the search terms Down syndrome pictures, Down syndrome children, and these people need to be catered for as well.
Also, we have many pictures of Jacob, my child with Down syndrome, spread through out this site. You may be interested in doing a quick test we have on spotting the toddler with Down syndrome. Believe me, you need a trained eye to tell which child has Downs syndrome.
Pictures and photos of children with Down syndrome
What do we learn from the above 4 pictures of Down syndrome children?
Well, children with Down Syndrome mostly have family that they like to play with and be with, They like to blow bubbles, and they love the beach. Sounds like kids with Down syndrome are pretty typical kids in those respects. Also, this chap looks pretty handsome, doesn’t he?
What do we learn from these 5 pictures of children with Downs syndrom? First off, they look pretty normal to me. Children with Down syndrome love to interact with other family members, and they like to learn about their world and enjoy life. Hmm, pretty normal kid stuff again.
This gorgeous and very happy child with Down syndrome is obviously enjoying the play, and I would say, going on the focus of the eyes, she is probably interacting with a person besides the photographer. Pretty typical kid stuff again.
An interesting set of three photos pictures of a teenage girl with Down syndrome. In the first you can grasp the idea that she may be helping out on the farm with moving the goats, in the second she is obviously showing off, and in the third, well, putting on makeup is a pretty girlish thing to do.
I couldn’t quite make up my mind if all these pictures were of one child with Down syndrome or whether they were two or three different ones. Still, the pictures of those with Down syndrome show that they interact and love their relatives, irrespective of the relatives age. That children with Down syndrome love to draw and work / play on computers, can learn to play music (and some can be multilingual if given the chance I might add), and look more Down syndrome at some times than others – we notice this with Jacob too. Sometimes he looks very Down syndromey, and other times he looks very very normal.
Again we see in these Down syndrome pictures the common element that children with Down syndrome love their family and love to play with animals too.
Obviously a much older child with Down’s syndrome, perhaps a mid teenager, who appears to participate in the the typical winter time snow activities. I’ve never built a snowman, so wonder how mine would turn out.
Again, these pictures of children with Down syndrome are showing that they love interacting with other people and animals. Pretty nice looking toddlers don’t you think?
I really couldn’t be sure from the pictures if this was the same child with Down syndrome. Certainly the elements of play and interacting positively with the photographer and enjoying the experience are obvious.
Finally comes adulthood, and we can see from these two photos of adults with Down syndrome, that they can read, use laptops and mobile phones.
I’ve also received one email that talked of the very negative sterotype of Down Syndrome adults, that they were babies, couldn’t learn, and you just looked after them – again a response to that photo of the man on the computer. The person who wrote it was stunned about it, stating that when he visited a center in the 70’s, that was what the manager of the facility believed and stated to visitors. Just couldn’t get over how “reality” changed so much in just 30 years!
Well that ends this graphical picture portrayal of those with Down syndrome. I think I have made the point quite well, that children with Down syndrome are people first. They don’t look terrible or scary, most actually look as normal as everyone else. Children who love, are loved back, and who can participate in life to the best of their abilities.
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